I had a dream a little while ago. I don't dream very often, let alone have them make much sense OR remember them for long after I wake up, yet I wrote the details of this one down for some reason. Here's what I remember (it's not really organized very well, just random thoughts):

(don't get technical with how it's held up!)
A bridge. Free to cross. No cars, but large crowds of people. It seemed like they walked it daily - a commute.It's precarious looking, but not wobbly - secure. Has huge hills. I can't see the rest
of the bridge because I'm standing at one end and the first hill looms in front of me. It feels like I'm looking straight up to see the top of the hill. The incline seems to cross back into a negative angle where I'd fall off - not even letting me think about how I'd get down the other side OR the other hills afterward.

No known destination past the bridge. The first hill is where my focus is. I'm scared. I don't know how it's possible to navigate. I feel like if I get up enough speed (running? *shr
ug*) to possibly make it up the hill, I'll
fly off. The bridge is over water. There is no one familiar around me, and everyone seems to think nothing of the situation. They just keep