I took a Music 1010 class which required me to attend 5 concerts throughout the semester. In true Honor fashion, I left 4 of them until the weekend before the final day of class and spent most of it on Temple Square which, thankfully, provides SO many musical opportunities. On Saturday morning I went to a Tabernacle Organ recial and got to meet Richard Elliott afterwards. Since none of you are likely to remember who he is.... he's THIS GUY (the last video of the post)!

He invited me up to see the organ - closest I've ever been to this structure that I've seen on hymnbooks my whole life! You don't know how tempted I was to spin around and play it!!!!

This is the view the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has from their seats!

What an incredible day!!!!!
Today was the day of my last final. I went on a date with a friend from institute - getting ice cream to celebrate the occasion and then headed to Temple Square to relax, sit in my spot, write in my journal and breathe for a few.

I love the flowers there!

Found the little purple pansies!

Wish I'd brought my real camera instead of just my phone, but I was rather impressed with how this one turned out regardless! Aren't the colors amazing?!

Ahhh Springtime fills the jar rather nicely!