A couple posts back, I posted this picture. It was taken at "my spot" on Temple Square following a date with a "friend from institute." He was a chilled out, tie dye wearing, Subaru wagon driving, Chaco sandal obsessed (without socks, thank goodness), man of a boy. The picture had been from our second date. It was simple. We got ice cream (compliments of the Baskin Robbins gift cards my mom frequently sends), and walked around Sugarhouse Park, talking. We didn't have long, but it had been nice. I was excited to know this guy. Just before taking the above photo, I'd written a journal entry about how I didn't want to get my hopes up, but this guy was exactly the kind of guy my mom would want me to date. Within a week, I left on a two week trip to the east coast. We had two very short text conversations, both of which I initiated. I didn't hear much from him until I invited him to go to Red Butte Gardens with the kiddo and I in early June. He agreed, and the communication picked back up. He later admitted to me that he didn't think I was very interested in him on our last date. I'd been too quiet, not very open, and that he had decided to "cut me loose." CUT ME LOOSE?!?!?!
Wouldn't that mean we had to first be tethered?!
Good thing I initiated our 3rd date since apparently he wasn't going to! I knew it was taking a chance to have the kiddo come along, but after spending some energy really thinking on it, I cautiously went ahead. Being the great guy that he is, he had made it clear that since he knew my time alone was limited, he'd be happy to do activities that included my son, as long as I was comfortable with it.
It went well...
As did the rest of the summer...
By September, we were a couple (taking our time... by Mormon standards).
And by November...
By March...

There is quite a bit of catching up to do, but there's the gist. And with that, I proudly introduce Mr. Chaco, who is now my copartner in crime/life/blogging.