December 27, 2009

Diggin the New Digs

All moved! Whew! What a weekend! I got sick on top of it, but still was able to get the new place together enough for when the Kiddo came home from the Christmas weekend spent with his dad.
He was so excited to see that he had his own room with all his toys in it.

He had presents from many friends and family members waiting for him to open and he wasted no time. There aren't pictures of all of them, but thank you, thank you, thank you to ALL of our dear loved ones who thought about him/us this holiday.
The evening was spent with his toys, followed by watching movies together before bed.
Quality bonding time if you ask me!

One part of our bedtime routine is where we "talk". He sits on my stomach and we talk about his day and often sing songs together as he tries to prolong bedtime. Last night we sang a few songs that I learned back at Girls Camp 15 years ago (excuse my voice, the cold isn't gone).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hon!

    I am about 7 months behind on my own blog, but only about 2 months behind on yours! Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how much I like your new pad! I hope you two are enjoying it! And the two last pictures on this post are adorable! I love that you have "talk-time" before bed! You're such a creative mom! I would never think of such a good idea! And what? Grant tries to prolong his bedtime? Really?!? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?!? Love you!
